Last month in one of TV program I learned of a treatment of Sugar Level (Diabetes). Since I am diabetic, I tried it and it was very useful and my Sugar Level is in control now. In fact I have already reduced my medicine.
Take two pieces of Lady’s Finger (Okra) or known as Bhindi in South Asia and remove/cut both ends of each piece. Also put a small cut in the middle and put these two pieces in glass of water. Cover the glass and keep it at room temperature during night. Early morning, before breakfast simply remove two pieces of Lady’s Finger (Okra) from the glass and drink that water.
Keep doing it on daily basis. Within two weeks, you will see remarkable results in reduction of your SUGAR.
My sister has got rid of her diabetes. She was on Insulin for a few years, but after taking the Lady’s Finger (Okra) every morning for a few months, she has stopped Insulin but continues to take the Lady’s Finger (Okra) every day. But she chops the Lady’s Finger (Okra) into fine pieces in the night, adds the water and drinks it all up the next morning.
Please try it as it will not do you any harm even if it does not do much good to you, but you have to keep taking it for a few months before you can see results, as most cases might be chronic.
After reading it, I searched the internet to check on more information relating to the claim of Lady’s Finger (Okra) for treatment of sugar level. It is called bendi in Bahasa Malaysia. I wish to share the relevant information that I have found in various websites:
Okra is good for preventing diabetes. Okra is good in normalizing the blood sugar and cholesterol level. A person started eating 6 pieces Lady’s Finger (Okra) and within 2 months, his blood sugar has dropped from 135 to 98.
The mucilage and superior fiber found in Okra helps to stabilize blood sugar by curbing the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract. In India, okra has been used successfully in experimental blood plasma replacements. - Sylvia W. Zook, PhD. (Nutritionist)
Many natural foods also help with blood sugar control in Type 2 diabetes. These include sage, buckwheat, Okra, peas, brewer's yeast, fenugreek seeds, and broccoli and other greens. These foods help because they are high in fiber. Certain herbs also reportedly help, including hawthorn, nettle, ginger, ginseng, and garlic. – Milos pesic
It's better to steam the lady's fingers, not fry them with other ingredients like chillies or belachan. They'll lose their value and vitamins if you fry them. Just steam them for 1 minute and they are very nice to chew - not too soft or too hard. If steam too long, they become soft and sticky.You don't need a lady to cook lady's fingers. It's the easiest vege to prepare and cook. You don't even need a wok or a frying pan. BTW, put on some nice oldies when you're woking in the kitchen. All wok and no play make Tan a dull cook.
Ladies' fingers are nice & tender to touch if they are from young ladies. So it's the same with young okra. They are smooth and tender to eat. Ha. ha, ha.
myself a diabetic since 1994, i have tried this okra water since the last 5 months and the results have been phenomenal.My fasting bg reading was as high as 256 to 260 and after taking okra water for about three months it has come down to normal levels around 95 to 109 [fasting bg reading] i have not reduced my medication as yet. i unhesitatingly recommend this to ALL.
my fasting blood sugar is 6.2 My HbA1C is 6.1 I have been taking 2 ladies fingers sliced up thinky and soaked in a cup of water overnite ( but i left it in the fridge till morning) I have been consuming this water together with the sliced okra for a month, and the above eadings remains the same. Is it becos i kept it in the fridge? as i just noticed that its to be left at room temperature ! I have learned to appreciate the taste so i will continue and take another measure in 2 months. Appreciate your comment
John, keep it overnight at room temperature as recommended. Cut off both ends and a cut in the middle. More cuts should be ok. It works for others who had tried it. Hope it works for you if you wish to try again. Good luck.
its advisable to leave okra in room temperature. not to refrigerate.
you must continue this for four-five months to see some results.
my mom got high blood sugar after i know about okra i told my mom she is feeling much much better
Thanks for your help and information
i have tried your okra for the last 3 months & my fasting readings are high. 9.2 mmlo
Can you use pickled okra as well, since it is fir mated in vinegar, salt and just okra or is it better to soak the okra as stated. My husband has been on the okra water for a month now, and does put it in the fridge, but his has still dropped. The first time he drank this juice it bl dropped 75 points; 275 to 200. He was amazed.
First thing in the morning - please use okra water on empty stomach for best results at room
temperature NOT from the fridge, NOT pickled.
you can use pickle as achar with your food, no problem.
remember moderation is key. it all depends HOW MUCH one eats at dinner time.
limit your portions,DO NOT use white flour, white rice, white
bread.remember self control is the key.
good luck.
My wife was diagnosed with diabetes over 12 months ago. We heard about drinking (okra in water overnight)so she has been doing this for almost 12 months. She had a full blood test a couple of weeks ago and has been declared free of diabetes with an excellent blood sugar level. We have not changed our dietary habits except for this daily morning drink
From last two days my father is drinking this water…. At the same time he is also taking insulin as prescribed by doctor. In this regard may I know when he should drink this water before or after taking insulin? Is there any problem if he takes both insulin and this water at the same time?
From last two days my father is drinking this water…. At the same time he is also taking insulin as prescribed by doctor. In this regard may I know when he should drink this water before or after taking insulin? Is there any problem if he takes both insulin and this water at the same time?
From last two days my father is drinking this water…. At the same time he is also taking insulin as prescribed by doctor. In this regard may I know when he should drink this water before or after taking insulin? Is there any problem if he takes both insulin and this water at the same time?
From last two days my father is drinking this water…. At the same time he is also taking insulin as prescribed by doctor. In this regard may I know when he should drink this water before or after taking insulin? Is there any problem if he takes both insulin and this water at the same time?
the fasting sugar blood level of my husband is quite normal, about 100. But his after meal sugar blood can reach 200. Can this be cured with okra?
Very helpful information
Om Arora
This is amazing. My mother's blood sugar with diabetic medication was above 380. Doctors wanted her to go on insulin but she did not. She got off medication because they almost killed her. I did a lot of research and got her fenugreek seed, aloe, cinnamon, and some other ones which worked O.K. Her sugar was down to 250 but still too high. I started this and her blood sugar kept going down. Last reading was 150 in just a week. I think in another week she will be down to 100. Just amazing.
I forgot to mention that at first my Mom would not drink the water so I sliced it and mixed it in her salad. It worked but not that well. It did not work in soup either. I think when you cook it the benefits are gone. The Okra in water is the only way that works like magic.
Diabetes is running in both sides of my family
Even thought I'm underweight (BMI 16.6) I know I still have high risk of becoming diabetic
My blood sugar level used to be in the 80's, but 2 weeks ago it read 107-113, I was shocked
Before I found your blog, someone advised me to drink okra water. Even thought I'm very skeptical and that was the first time I heard about it, I took that advice-drink okra water and stay on low carb, sugar free diet for about a week now. My highest blood sugar level 102
At first, I kept it at room temperature because it was cold outside, but last 3 days it has been warm up I kept it refrigerated overnight. I think they both work good.
Now I found your blog and knew okra water works good for many people, I'm convinced and will continue to drink it. I hope it works for me because I don't want to lose anymore weight and I want to eat fruit too but avoid them so far since most fruits are high in sugar (I used to eat a lot of carb and fruits)
Thanks everybody for sharing the experience and wish you all well
Many thanks but don't eat to much, very importnat check your blood viscosity after several month eat this OKRA.
Hi, I'm on Okra water.Yes it really does wonder.But let me guide you very important thing. myself and my 3 other friends started okra water 2 years ago.for 4 months we continued having okra water but result were not to my satisfaction. on 5th month my father took me to SB group. there 1 member of that group explained me why okra was not effecting and reducing sugar level. Soon I had started SB group medication and I was really surprise to see changes in my immune system in just 20 days of medication. Some of the important changes what SB group medication got in my immune system were like this,1) I had started getting full flush urine.
2) my urine was colorless and very rarely it turned to light yellow.
3) I had started gaining weight.
4) Most important thing which I had never seen for last 10 years is this , my stool which always use to sink, it had started floating.
5) my body was turning very weight less and laziness was not experienced.
slowly lot of positive changes were seen. but I had stopped okra water and my friends were still consuming okra water 3 times a day.
After 9 months of SB group medication my 26 unit insulin was reduced to 6 unit and now 5 months ago Mr. SB changed my medication . my herbal medicine was reduced and SB added Okra in his medicine and SB asked me to start okra water as my toxins were 80 % cleared from my immune system.Insulin reduces sugar level for short period only. Now with help of SB Group I have stopped insulin and from last 2 months I'm totally on independent like before. only 2 or 3 times in 7 days I take okra water or Bitter Mellon juice.
Does one have to put a new set of okra every evening or you can use the same ones from the previous night? Just Checking!
Yes. Put the new set of Okra and eat the old set if you wish to.
Does it mean that we need to eat the "raw" after drinking the water? Thanks
Hi, I would love to try this. I wanted to know how far inadvanced can I make this? Example: can I put 6 pieces of okra in 3 cups of water and drink about a cup from it every morning?
What is the side effects, if any?
My fasting blood sugar was 173 in november 2011. After seeing this website took the okhra as suggested and also drank 1 glass of fresh bitter gourd(karela, bitter melon) juice daily from January 2012 till date. Went for a check up last sunday and presto, my fasting blood sugar is 114 and also walk avg 5 kms a day. Thanks a lot to okhra and karela...My cholestrol too is under check....
My son was diagnosed diabetes when he was 70 days. Now he is 4 years old. I was told that okra juice is good for diabetes then I tried it for my son. Sometimes his blood sugar is in control, but sometimes not. And his blood sugar is very high this morning. I am desperate.
I tried this as well for about 6 months on most days (with few exceptions) but my readings remain the same. I took 2/3 okras, removed both ends, cut in the middle and soaked it in water over night (At room temperature). In the morning, I'll drink the water and also eat the okra's but it's been of no help.
Am I doing something wrong?
Mac, you are not supposed to eat anything for 30 minutes after drinking the juice. If you are eating the Okra itself that my be interfering with the absorption of the good stuff in the juice. Also, try cutting it into smaller pieces so that the juice gets thick. When I cut in in half the water was not very thick the next morning. Good luck.
When I soaked the okra overnight as directed, with a slit in the center, the water is still clear in the morning. So is this correct or should the water be slimy.
I tried to chop up the okra but the slime sticks on to the okra, so I have to eat the whole thing.
Is the slimy water what we should drink? Please help !
I have to take Synthroid on an empty stomach. Will the Okra water affect the apsorbtion of this medicine.
I have only tried this okra juice this week but I do refrigerate it. Then I read that it has to be room temperature. When I did it overnight with out refrigeration the water was cloudy and not clear like the one refrigerated. I tried it but I have to spit it out because it was sour. Did it spoil due to the hot weather?please advise, anyone.Thanks.
i dont have diabetes yet but it's in my genes. though i have my blood sugar checked regularly, and it is normal, i still manifest the symptoms. my wounds wouldnt heal easly and when it's healed, it leaves a black scar. would you recommend me to drink this okra water?
Hi,For the last 2 days, I stopped my anti-diabetic medication and decided to go organic treatment. I prepared my own concoction.I sliced the okra thin and placed it overnight in mug filled with water. In the morning and before going to bed, I took a glass of okra's slimy water and and mixed it with two tablespoons of apple cider. In just two days, my fbs was reduced from 126 to 114. I am now continuously doing it.
my medical examination for possible employment bound for saudi arabia was stopped due to the increase of my blood sugar. after a month of drinking okra juice, the result was phomenal i agree. from 235 to 180, 130 last week it was 110. though it rises once i take high carbs and sugar foods, it just reminds me that okra juice should be taken along with right intake of proper foods. i post my comment for same reason, i have experience the wonder of this vegetable a true wonder of God's power..PtL
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