For instance, a recent University of Michigan study showed that when ginger was added to ovarian cancer cells in the laboratory, it caused the cancer cells to self-destruct (a process known as 'apoptosis').
In a separate study at the University of Minnesota, researchers injected colon cancer cells into mice that were bred to have no immune system. Half of these mice were routinely fed gingerol, the main active component in ginger. The researchers found that the mice that were fed gingerol lived longer, their tumors were smaller, and the cancer did not spread as widely as in the control group.
With all these health benefits, you should be using ginger as often as you can. The best way I've found to get a healthy serving of ginger is to juice it. Two or three days a week, I juice an apple or two, some carrots, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and a big piece of ginger root. The ginger gives the drink a great flavor and a powerful anti-cancer kick. I highly recommend that you try it.
In October 2001, we went back to Da Bu (my late father's birthplace) in Guangdong Province, China. After travelling for long hour from Xiamen, we arrived our aunty's house quite late in the night and we were feeling cold. Luckily for us, the boiled ginger drink had been prepared for us to warm up our body temperature upon our arrival.
In fact, I do boil smashed ginger with brown sugar or gula Melaka whenever I feel my stomach is bloated with "wind". I have also tried to replace the brown sugar with honey. Sometime I also add in pumpkin slices and taste good.
One day in March 2008 as we decided to travel to Aceh at night, we decided to stop at a place near Bastagi for "bandrek", a traditional beverage boiled with ginger (jahe in Bahasa Indonesia) and other ingredients such as cinammon, cloves, lemon grass, chillies and palm sugar, to warm ourselves during the cold night. This was the first time I tasted it and I started to search for it in Medan. It seems that "bandrek" with or without milk can reduce fatigue, reduce "wind" in the stomach, decrease joint pain from arthritis, prevent and cure rhumatism and control poor dietary habits. It also has a healing effect on sore throat.
I come to understand that ginger drink in Phillipines is known as "salabat".
In Malaysia, we used to enjoy drinking ginger tea or teh halia tarik in mamak stalls.
Do go for ginger drink and make it your favourite drink now knowing that it has a powerful anti-cancer kick!
At the mama stalls in Malaysia,plain ginger drink is called Sarbat. Sounds much like in the Phillipines.
Yes, ginger is a good food ingredient . It’s a plus when it has anti cancer value. I always use ginger to steam fish- all types. Just chop the ginger into small pieces and put them in the frying pan . Add in some chopped red carrot, a spoonful of sugar, sesame oil and soya sauce. Fry them for a while and pour them on the steam fish. It’s tasty and nutritious as well. In fact we can add ginger to all our food. We can cook vege with ginger and fry eggs with ginger. WE also add ginger to boil together with flour balls during “Goa Tung” just before Chinese New Year. Do you know that, Pahang is famous for the Bukit Tinggi Ginger. It costs RM11.00 a kilo.
Chinese women in their confinement month eat a lot of ginger to keep away the wind and keep them warm. The Chinese has a saying, “ Poon de kion ng lat “ meaning local ginger not hot enough. Do you know what it means?
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